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Investment Trust Dividend Monitor 2022
Insights - What We Think

Alternative investments drive investment trust dividends to a new record

  • Investment trust dividends rose 15.4% to a record £5.5bn in the twelve months to the end of March 2022
  • Investment trusts that invest in listed equities held payouts flat at £1.85bn
  • Link Group expects equity investment trust dividends to rise by 4% to £1.92bn by the end of March 2023
  • Alternative investments saw payouts jump 25.1% to £3.65bn –VCT, property and renewable energy accounted for four fifths of the increase
  • Alternative investment trust dividends are nine times larger now than in 2010


Investment Trust Dividend Monitor 2022

Investment trusts paid record dividends to their shareholders in the twelve months to the end of March according to the latest Investment Trust Dividend Monitor, a special supplement of Link Group’s UK Dividend Monitor. Between them trusts paid out £5.5bn, up 15.4% year on year.

Trusts that invest only in listed equities held payouts exactly steady at £1.85bn. These trusts distribute the dividends they receive from companies listed on stock exchanges in the UK and around the world so they were impacted by the cut in global payouts, and the even more severe one in the UK, that accompanied the first year of the pandemic. Even so, the peak-to-trough decline in dividends from equity investment trusts was only 1.9% as trusts dipped into reserves and took advantage of special rules that permit them to distribute some of their realised capital gains. The use of reserves continued in the second half of 2021 but at a much-reduced rate. Reserves have been needed while the pool of dividend income that funds investment trust dividends itself continues to recover.

The first quarter of 2022 saw dividends from equity investment trusts 4.0% higher than the first quarter of 2021 (when they reached their nadir), a total of £437m.

Over the next twelve months, Link Group expects dividends from these categories of investment trusts to rise 4% to a total of £1.92bn. This is slower than either expected dividend growth in the UK or globally, but reflects the fact that investment trust payouts were shielded from wider dividend cuts in 2020/2021 and trusts are now rebuilding reserves.

Rapid dividend growth in the last year came from alternative investments, not traditional equities

The rapid increase in payouts was driven not by these ‘traditional’ investment trusts, but by those that invest in alternative assets, whose payouts collectively rose 25.1% to £3.65bn.

The biggest increase came from  Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs).. VCTs handed out £556m between April 2021 and March 2022, up 65.7%, while renewable energy infrastructure funds paid their shareholders £583m, up 38.3%. Along with property, the largest dividend-paying sector in the alternatives segment, thesecategories accounted for four fifths of the overall increase in dividends from all kinds of investment trusts in the twelve months to the end of March 2022.

In 2010, alternative categories of investment trusts contributed less than a third of the dividends paid by the sector overall. In 2021 they contributed two thirds. Their payouts were ten times larger in 2021 than in 2010.

Ian Stokes, Managing Director, Corporate Markets UK and Europe said:

10 years ago, alternatives were a much smaller segment of the investment trust market, but they have rapidly expanded as new investment opportunities have opened up in response to investor demand. Given that many of the assets in alternatives trusts are relatively illiquid, they are very well suited to the closed-ended structure.

VCTs have proved very popular with investors in recent years who have been attracted by the generous tax breaks. A reduction in the lifetime allowance on pension funds is catching more and more savers with punitive tax on their pension pots. The measure has deterred pension saving among wealthier individuals who have looked elsewhere for tax-efficient options for their capital. With a 30% tax credit on capital subscribed in a VCT share issue and all income and capital gains tax free, VCTs are the first port of call for many investors now. VCTs have been very big issuers of shares in recent years as a result.

Ian Stokes concluded “Investment trusts are an interesting proposition for investors. First, they are able to invest almost anywhere in the world. Secondly, they can invest in different asset classes beyond just listed equities, enabling access to hard-to-reach opportunities like private equity or venture capital. Thirdly they are able to borrow modestly, using debt to buy more underlying assets, thereby enhancing returns to shareholders over the long term (this is known as gearing). And finally, many of them have reserves that they can draw on in bad times to cushion their shareholders when dividends from the companies they invest in go down.


Investment Trust Dividend Monitor 2022